The Incidence of Childhood Obesity in the World

The incidence of childhood obesity in the world - The impact of obesity on children showed a significantly increased not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. In the UK, the prevalence of obesity boys was 1.2% in 1984 to 3.4% in 1996-1997 and  2002-2003 to 6%. While in China in 1992 the prevalence of obesity son is 7%, then increased to 32.5% in 2005. In Singapore also occurred the same circumstances, the prevalence of childhood obesity in the year 1984 to 1989 was 9% increase to 14.5 in 1989.
childhood obesity definition and facts
childhood obesity
In the developed countries, childhood obesity control efforts are starting to show results by decreasing the number of children who are obese. In developing countries, because of the absence of a comprehensive program, obesity's prevalence has not changed much in the last 10 years, even there is an increasing trend in some major cities. A multicentre study in 10 major cities in Indonesia in school-age children showed the prevalence of between 2.5% to 27%.

The management of obesity in children includes three main efforts that nutritional intervention, changing eating behavior, and increasing physical activity. In some cases, for example in young children or adolescents with morbid obesity (obesity complicated by other diseases) administration of drugs and surgery can be considered. Although the treatment of obesity brings satisfactory results, but in daily practice is not easy to treat obesity in children, especially toddlers. Some of the obstacles identified, among others, parents do not understand the health and social impact of obese, perception of parents are wrong about obesity, the difficulty of explaining to children with obesity, especially among children, medicines for the treatment of childhood obesity are still very limited, not all drugs for treatment obesity can be given to children, not to mention the dietary advice that is often overlooked by both children and parents.
childhood obesity prevention articles
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Therefore, prevention of obesity plays a major role in decreasing the incidence of childhood obesity. The prevention can start early is to monitor the child's weight by weighing the weight regularly. The provision of healthy food commonly known as balanced nutrition should also be introduced early on to the child. Another effort is getting children to exercise regularly and reduce sedentary life is a lifestyle that is less active.

What is the causes of childhood obesity? Read more on the cause of childhood obesity.

Read more health article about children health on medicine article

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